Syrian Refugees Make Payments Through Advanced Iris Authentication

In Jordan Za’atari refugee camp, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), has established a system by which refugees can receive help and make payments with just the blink of their eye. The United Nations food relief and refugee committee has jointly introduced a biometric iris scanning system to improve their aid distribution network. This system was implemented to help grant the refugees their monthly aid of 100 Dinars ($140) with an iris scan. This way the refugees do not have to wait in long queue for their aid at the UNHCR office.
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This system was mainly established to improve the process of receiving aid for refugees. There was plenty of corruption in trying to sell different commodities to refugees that were taken from different charities. This hurts the cause of people who have helped so much donating to charity. Implementing the new system linked to various ATM machines and refugee camp markets has enabled the Syrian refugees to directly purchase anything from the camp stores without even withdrawing any money.
Using iris data is the most efficient way to handle the situation since pin numbers or cards can be stolen or traded. Also many of the refugees are children and fingerprints often change until one is 14 or 15 years old. This is why iris scan is much safer to properly identify the refugees and ensure that they are getting the help they need. Furthermore, if fingerprint software was used, a refugee might try to migrate to Egypt and fake their identity destroying their fingerprints. But with this iris technology, in matter of seconds they can be identified accurately Since the system runs on the cloud, it helps to connect the total UNHCR database in a matter of seconds.
Payment using iris scan has been an overwhelming success in refugee camps, as stated by the World Food Program. After the scanning of the iris in a store, the system matches it with the UNHCR database and checks the account balance and makes transactions accordingly. This system has helped to maintain this mass number of people and made life easy for both the refugees and the parties helping them. A few million refugees have been already registered with iris and millions more are expected. The success of the iris technology has made many agencies in similar positions want to adopt the technology.
M2SYS Technology has a unique system called CertisID™. This system offers a Hybrid Biometric Platform which supports any biometric modality to properly identify customers. This financial solution can be used for any transaction and keep track of the cash flow properly. And with the attachment of M2-AutoTilt™ Iris scanner, it is impossible to fake someone’s identity. With this system implemented, a refugee camp would operate with highest efficiency bringing in more and more donor engagement and helping solve one of the big humanitarian crisis of our time.
Source: World Food Programme