How to Automate a Retail Sales Force Workflow

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Most retail sales forces cover a large geographic area that consists of different territories, stores, and sales points, where they have to distribute their products. They have to constantly follow up with leads, collect orders, communicate customer feedback, and forecast market changes to achieve sales targets. As a sales manager you need to implement streamlined sales plans to make sure that the sales reps can properly execute them. Automating a retail sales force workflow is the way to go in making sure that the sales operations are optimal, and the company remains profitable.

Sales force workflow automation makes sure that routine repetitive tasks are taken care of by an automated system – like software or an application. Sales force activity and performance tracking, robust report generation to pinpoint latent trends, and product inventory management are some of the aspects automation can help with so that your sales force can help increase sales. In today’s article we will show you how you can achieve sales force workflow automation for your retail business with CloudApper SalesQ.


A Retail sales force workflow can be automated using CloudApper SalesQ to boost sales rep productivity and sales in the following ways:


Geo-fencing capabilities can be utilized to make sure that retail sales reps are checking-in from where they are supposed to. This increases visit authenticity and ensures that the retail sales agents are visiting territories, stores, and outlets at the right time by reporting from the location.

Task Automation

Sales operations activities such as assigning leads and targets to retail sales representatives can be automated based on various performance metrics and insights. This removes the hassle of putting in hours of manual analysis and lets managers track progress reports throughout the day.


Retail Sales force workflow automation lets managers track what products are selling, and what needs to be tweaked. It generates reports that showcase products that are performing better by showing charts of sales per customer. SalesQ lets you track product performance by displaying sales per period.


Automation helps to track sales force tasks and show progress reports, along with push notifications when tasks are completed. This can also be in the form of emails, and helps managers stay on top of what retail sales representatives are doing.


New developments in the sales operations process based on data from analytics can be communicated in a central hub through SalesQ. This information can be accessed by all retail sales agents from their phones, ensuring fluent communication. Training videos can also be uploaded to keep reps prepared at all times.


Customer feedback from the field can be captured by retail sales reps, that can be used to adjust products and the sales operations process for optimum performance. Sales reps can also access data on specific customers through previous records to switch their sales tactics according to the situation.


Retail sales force workflow should be automated to increase efficiency and speed up the revenue generation process. Proper sales force workflow automation can reduce costs and make the work of a sales manager easier, while assuring a retail company’s profits. If you want to try out a field sales force workflow automation app that can automate the retail sales process, then sign up for a 14-day free trial of CloudApper SalesQ now.

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One thought on “How to Automate a Retail Sales Force Workflow

  • January 7, 2022 at 8:09 am

    Amazing post helped me to know how to automate a retail sales force workflow. Thank you for sharing an wonderful post.


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