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Customized Biometric Solutions for SME’s

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This guest post is submitted by Claudia Jeffrey

In this universe of innovation, where business openings are developing on the one hand, and again programmers and Trojan steeds are likewise expanding with incredible speed. Security is one of the primary destinations of small and medium business enterprises (SMEs).

To ensure security, technology is playing its role by helping small and medium-sized enterprises by utilizing the biometric system to check and balance the employee’s attendance and to assure the security.

Technical innovations for biometric solution are increasing day by day. Counting the states, it can be witnessed that every organization is moving to install biometric technology. Apart from industrial revolution, small scale business owners are also seeking to take advantage of this opportunity.  

Biometric technology is modernizing small and medium enterprises by identifying persons and carrying multiple operations such as monitoring of employee’s time to time attendance. For security purposes, it is of utmost obligatory for SMEs to increase the steps of verification in their system. Besides helping SMEs biometric system is also enhancing the learning system.

Biometric Solutions Employee Management:

SMEs require top security measures to restrict people from accessing the data and control system. Biometric technology has helped SMEs to stretch out their goal from scratch. There are various customized biometric solutions for employee management in SMEs. Sophia Martin, Head of Technical Department at Academist Help, has written in her blog about how biometric technology is taking up the security system. She says:

“Biometric innovation isn’t new, and its use has ended up being continuously predominant than the vast majority envisioned. It could be deciphered that biometrics offers an elevated level of location and security tasks that have a ton of points of interest over regular techniques. The preferences that biometrics gives are that the data is particular for each individual, and it can be used as a method for individual distinguishing proof. The top advantages of Biometric innovation are confirmation, security or information tact, approval or access control, information veracity, and non-denial.”

 Some of the vital solutions are discussed below.

1. To Ensure Who are Entering the Center

Biometric technology has played its vital role by controlling the access of people to particular areas by biometric door system. In SMEs biometric door system is utilized not only to restrict the access of forbidden people to specific restricted areas but also to check who had tried to access the door. The person needs to enter the pin code or facial recognition. 

This system is mostly employed in laboratories to allow particular people to enter the laboratory for different purposes. It is yet expensive but reliable solution to ensure the security of various SMEs. Every business company prioritizes safety over money.

A biometric door access system is also maintained in the office to allow specific people to enter the office. This system has helped companies to manage their security up to a great extent. A biometric door access system is one of the highly implemented customized biometric solutions.

2. To Check Who is Accessing the Network

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are taking more and more steps to secure their system. There can be two ways to secure the system, either by pin codes or by a piece of identification such as badge or card, etc. However, this system does not prove to be authentic for SMEs. That’s why SMEs have chosen biometric technology to ensure their security.

 The facial recognition system is utilized in systems such as computers, office laptops, etc., to keep the update of people accessing the system. This biometric technology does not only checks who has accessed the system but also forbids the access of people by comparing the facial features of given images with the database. Jacob Fernandez, a technical blogger at the King Essay, has written in his blog:

Biometric system has proved to be more beneficial for SMEs as compared to other security measures. The facial recognition system also saves time by checking your identity within seconds. This time can be used to work hard by SMEs to keep a step ahead of their competitors.”

3. To Check the Attendance of Employees

Checking the attendance manually takes a lot of time as compared to the fingerprint biometric system. This system is employed in offices of 30-50 employees to monitor the attendance of employees.

This system is used to save the entry and leaving time of employees who are time theft. Fingerprint biometric system is one of the best solutions for security for SMEs as it can avoid common mistakes as compared to manual entry or attendance. The biometric system has eliminated the vulnerability of mismanaged access methods. Fingerprint devices or biometric tools cannot be stolen or lost by time theft. 

In small and medium-sized enterprises, biometric fingerprint technology has proved to be one of the authentic devices to ensure the attendance of employees at their specified time, so that companies can stay focused on their plans.

Biometric Solutions for Financial Management

Every company has its specified place for managing their financial affairs, where they keep the records of budget, profit, and loss. Biometric technology has taken firm steps to assure the security of such places. 

The banking system in the US has denied the use of signatures for the transaction. All four major US credit card systems require a biometric system for the transaction. Transaction through pin codes has provided SMEs to manage their accounts more securely.

In cash handling departments, the biometric system is employed that manages who accessed the department and unlocked it at specified timings. It saves time and money for SMEs as it doesn’t require other keys in case of a lost key. It just requires a pin code to access and for transaction plans.


Setting up biometric innovation to deal with the personalities is as noteworthy for the little and medium undertakings concerning the bigger endeavors in guaranteeing business security. Subsequently, the way toward recognizing verifying and approving people just as securing the assets of SMEs turns into a key administrative necessity.

Author bio:

Claudia Jeffrey is currently working as Content Strategist at Crowd Writer. After graduating, she started her career as a content strategist. She is interested in writing about how technology is providing ways to provide security to different sectors. 


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One thought on “Customized Biometric Solutions for SME’s

  • January 22, 2022 at 9:57 am

    A big thank you for your blog post. Really thank you!


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