M2SYS Guest Blog Post on Privacy and Developing a More Thorough Understanding of Biometric Technology

M2SYS was given the opportunity to write a guest blog post on developing a more thorough understanding of biometrics to help address some of the concerns that privacy advocates have about using the technology. It was a response to a recent guest post on biometric privacy concerns by James Baker, political consultant for NO2ID in the UK).
Here is a link to the post: https://jd-baker.com/2011/06/developing-a-more-thorough-understanding-of-biometric-technology-guest-post-by-john-trader-a-communication-specialist-with-m2sys-technology/
Thank you to James for allowing us to present our opinions and perspective on the subject and we hope to augment the existing research efforts on biometrics and privacy to help bridge the gaps that exist between the industry and privacy advocates.