Top 5 HR Best Practices During COVID-19

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What is the role of HR during COVID-19? If you are in this profession, you might have thought of this. In this critical situation, HR can play a significant role to save both the employee’s life and the business. HR needs to act quickly and effectively, otherwise the company can feel a huge negative impact. In this article, we have discussed the top five HR best practices during this COVID-19 pandemic


1. Start HR Best Practices by Creating an Emergency Response Team 

Turn your HR team into an emergency response team. Provide proper guidance on how to act promptly and effectively during an emergency situation. Share policies and strategies to manage remote employees, share probable risk factors, and train your team to respond to the crisis perfectly. Keep values and equity in the center of the decision-making process. Set regular meetings with your emergency response team to get regular updates, to set strategies and initiatives that need to be taken for the company, and also for the employees. 

2. Share Updated Information

There are so many rumors regarding COVID-19. These rumors can be detrimental for your human resources department. In this critical time, the HR department should guide employees towards the right information for employees’ health and safety. So, the HR department should create a platform where employees can get reliable information regarding this pandemic. The CircleCare employee engagement app provides a collaborative platform for the company. In this common space for the company, HR can share relevant and reliable content regarding the crisis and can help employees to stay informed and updated. 



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3. Engage with Your Employees 

During this critical period, your employees need motivation, compassion, and empathy. So, engage with them. Motivate them to stay healthy and on track. Reward them for their good performance in remote work. Stay connected with each of your employees so that they can feel that they belong. In this critical time, if you stand for them, they will stand for you. Using CircleCare employee engagement applications, you can engage with your employees easily. CircleCare provides a platform where you can motivate, encourage, and reward your employees as a part of HR best practices.

4. Reconsider Leaves and Policies 

This is the time to revise your HR policies again. Now, you have to act fast otherwise your whole company will suffer. So as a part of HR best practices, revise the rules and regulations for the company. Formulate rules for WFH and revise performance evaluation rules too. Formulate benefits that impact employees’ lives and help them to stay healthy in this serious world emergency. Clearly define all these policies and procedures with transparency that works both for the company and for the employees. 

5. Use Employee Monitoring Software 

Usage of employee monitoring software has increased during this period. Now that employees are stuck at home, there is no other option but remote. To manage employees smoothly, this kind of software helps companies a lot. Using employee monitoring software, now HR can confirm their employees’ attendance based on their check-in and check-out time, see employees’ performance during work hours, and check employees’ level of productivity throughout the working day from a single dashboard. It eases management and helps the HR manager to be more efficient and effective. CloudDesk, an employee monitoring software, introduces a face ID verification system that eliminates employee fraud and makes employee management smoother.

This is not business as usual. We have no idea when this crisis will end. But during this crisis, HR has a significant role to help businesses through this unusual time. As an HR manager, it is your role to manage your employees with care, empathy, and efficacy. So, if you haven’t started to use CloudDesk employee monitoring software, deploy it now for smooth management of your employees. CloudDesk offers a 14-day free trial. So, try it now!

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