6 Reasons Why Employee Monitoring Is Required For IT & Software Developers

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IT and Software development is a creative, problem-solving industry, where they are not keen on tracking the time of their projects and tech developments. Even though they have an irregular workflow, which isn’t only limited to writing code, it also involves time to think critically to resolve issues or develop projects. Irrespective of the nature of their job, IT and software developer employees can get a ton of benefits out of employee monitoring software.

Most IT and software developers tend to work from their own workstations so that they can handle their own working time. It is really important to set a timetable and adhere to it as they operate on their own. The essence of their work demands a great deal of discipline and motivation to remain concentrated.

This is when employee monitoring software like CloudDesk is used, which can be a great way for developers to improve their productivity, track their own progress and establish good links with managers or customers.

Here are 6 reasons why it is a good option to monitor and track IT and Software Developers individuals. Let’s take a look at how those things happen

  1. Improve Workflow: Software developers often need to deal with multiple levels of tasks. With the time-tracking feature, developers can easily track how long they invest in each project and plan projects smartly. For example, after they start working, if they notice some of their tasks are taking more time than expected, they can work on it for improvement to do it faster. With time tracker, developers can check their data and reorganize their workload as per requirement.
  2. More accurate project invoicing: Using CloudDesk, you can obtain job reports with precise dates to indicate precisely how your time was spent. Those reports can be shared with clients so that they view time logs and random screenshots during work hours and can be correctly charged for each project.Regardless of their projects, freelance projects, or in-house projects, worker monitoring tools provide the data to show customers how much time they’ve invested and to avoid any kind of misunderstandings. This removes the need for creating a self-report, which takes time.
  3. Efficiency and Productivity: Getting distracted in between work is a common problem faced by developers. Being in an office with the same group of working team members encourages each other to stay focused. Being a software developer working from a remote location leaves you prone to distractions. So subconsciously, using an employee monitoring tool can keep you on a project by helping to curb distractions to anything unnecessary. Which eventually increases efficiency and productivity.


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  4. Avoid Multitasking: Your workers will eradicate the practice of multitasking with the aid of CloudDesk. If workers know that their job is being tracked, they are focused solely on their jobs and will not be able to browse the web or checks emails or social media reports.Multitasking induces a decrease in productivity of 40%, according to many studies. Multitasking on the top surface may be considered skillful, but in reality, it takes longer and requires more error.
  5. Helps to estimate for Future projects: If developers make it a habit to accurately track the hours each project takes, this data can help them to estimate how long other similar projects will take in future. This will help them to predict the duration to complete a project and that keeps both the manager and developers happy.
  6. Developers can choose to work at their peak Productive hours: When a worker doesn’t have to show up to an office, they can start working when they are most comfortable and productive. If they want to work in an open space one day, that’s absolutely their choice. If they want to work on their couch another day, that’s also fine as long as they are productive. 


In a nutshell, employee monitoring your task will help you to get the hang of managing your projects and development tasks. Developers can use their time wisely and work on their own terms with better time management. This not only increases their performance, productivity and revenue of your business but also helps to build trust between employers and employees who work from remote locations. 

When you are thinking about monitoring your IT and Software developers go for a tool that has best features and measurable metrics that are beneficial for employers. CloudDesk is an affordable and effective remote employee monitoring software that keeps an eye on employee activity and helps to boost productivity. If you are interested in increasing your productivity, or the productivity of your employees, then you’ll enjoy the results from CloudDesk. Signup for a free CloudDesk account today to see how it works. 


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