Client: Allahabad Medical Association of India (AMA)
Product: Bio-Plugin™
Industry: Healthcare
Country: India
Use: Biometric Blood Donor Identification

Client: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
Product: VisitorTrack™
Industry: Healthcare
Country: Tanzania
Use: Biometric Identification of AIDS (HIV) patients

Client: International Health Management
Product: RightPatient®
Industry: Healthcare
Country: Bangladesh
Use: Biometric Patient Identification

Client: Martin Health System
Product: RightPatient®
Industry: Healthcare
Country: U.S.A
Use: Biometric Patient Identification

Client: Novant Health
Product: RightPatient®
Industry: Healthcare
Country: U.S.A
Use: Biometric Patient Identification

Client: Ministry of NGHA
Product: RightPatient®
Industry: Healthcare
Country: Saudi Arabia
Use: Biometric Patient Identification

Product: M2SYS Fingerprint Identification Platform
Industry: Government
Country: Haiti, Zambia, and the Dominican Republic
Use: Patient Identification for tracking patients with AIDS, TB, Malaria, and other communicable diseases.