eGovernance Software Solutions That Works With Any Biometrics Hardware

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Everything is getting smarter these days, and not just smartphones. Looking at developed countries, most government-based services are automated using eGovernance Software Solutions. Developing countries are also implementing eGovernance Software Solutions but using biometrics raises some serious issues. 

What is eGovernance Software Solutions?

Electronic governance, often known as e-Government, is the use of communication and information technology (ICT) to provide government services, exchange statics, conduct communication procedures, and integrate numerous independent systems and services. Government services are made available to citizens in a reasonable, systematic, and transparent manner through the use of e-governance. Government,  corporate groups, and ordinary citizens are the three primary designated groups that might be discriminated against in governance principles.

The ultimate objective of e-governance is to provide residents with an expanded array of public services in a structured and cost-effective manner. It promotes government accountability by informing the public about what the government is working on and the policies it is attempting to achieve. 

eGovernance Software Solutions can consist of different types of software solutions. It can be a suite of software or any single application. The most popular eGovernance solution suites include the Law Enforcement solution suite, Citizen services, Workforce Management, Healthtech solutions, and so on. A government can fully or partially implement such solutions and make collaboration among different agencies more feasible.    

Why Biometrics Hardware Compatibility Is Important

Biometrics is the cornerstone for any kind of eGovernance Software Solution. Most citizen-focused government services are powered by biometrics. For example, national identity registration, pension management, and law enforcement activities are heavily dependent on single or multi-modal biometrics.  

The bottom line is that you are bound to use biometric authentication for government solutions. Using biometrics requires two things: software for government solutions or the eGov Platform and biometrics scanners. Government solutions require different types of scanners, and it takes a lot of time and effort to make them compatible with software solutions. There are only a few governance software solutions that offer unlimited hardware compatibility. The eGov Platform by M2SYS is one such solution that supports hundreds of biometrics scanners with multi-modal capability. If you find a scanner that is not supported by the solution, M2SYS makes it available for you. Here are a few reasons why biometrics hardware compatibility is vital. 

  1. Avoid Vendor Lock-in

The problem with legacy solutions is that they support only one or two types of Biometric scanners. When you are using these legacy solutions, you can only use the supported device. This creates a vendor lock-in and you have to adjust your needs accordingly to the solution. 

  1. Latest Technology 

New scanners come with features and technology that can open a new door in terms of biometrics authentications. But if you are stuck with a single scanner, you cannot take advantage of all the new features.   

  1. Plug & Play       

When you are not using applications like the M2SYS eGov Platform, you miss out on the plug-and-play features that work with all the popular applications. Thanks to the eGov Platform, you no longer have to worry about using different biometrics scanners.   

M2SYS eGovernance Software Solutions

Targeting developing and least-developed countries, the eGov platform facilitates the digitalization of government agency activities by offering technology advancement without expensive software development efforts and exposing security risks. eGov is a no-code, AI-based platform that streamlines workflow optimization and delivers data straight to consumers’ fingertips via native applications and cloud solutions.

A wide range of biometric technologies may be included in government systems. To maintain high levels of security and accountability, biometric technology is essential. As a biometric technology company, M2SYS provides cutting-edge biometric software solutions that have been developed over 20 years. The M2SYS eGov platform is essential because of the following reasons.

  1. Bespoke Solutions

The eGov platform by M2SYS is a totally customizable solution that can match the demands of any government. The fantastic thing is that you do not have to write to personalize the program. Merely drag and drop, and the updates will be instantly synchronized with the mobile app.

  1. Quick Deployment

M2SYS has almost two decades of expertise dealing with numerous government entities. This has allowed M2SYS to come up with a variety of pre-developed solutions that can be implemented instantaneously.

  1. Unlimited Applications

The eGov platform also allows you to develop your own mobile applications. You are no longer bound by your existing collection of apps and don’t even need to know how to code to build your own apps. 

With the option of using any biometrics hardware, the M2SYS eGov platform breaks down all barriers. Tell us which device you want to use and we will make it available for you instantly. 

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