Biometric Identification Instead of Boarding Passes within 4 Years in USA

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It can be soon expected that during the boarding of an aircraft, there will not be any more boarding passes. Airports will adopt new technologies that will allow passengers just to use their face to identify themselves rather than using the passport. The traditional system takes up a lot of time of both the law enforcement agencies and the travelers. For this advent of this new smart gate, technologies will allow faster and hassle-free journey experience for the travelers and somewhat relax for the authority.


The deputy executive director of the Customs and Border Protection Agency, Dan Traciar said to the USA Today that, the technology and implementation are not far away. According to him, the officials are planning to implement the system completely within the next four years. Officials plan to deploy the technology first for the international flights and then plan to add domestic flights. This way passengers will not even have to show their passports during a checkup at the biometric smart gates.

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As Dan explained, the gates work with the picture taken on the point and matching it with existing picture of the passport. All over the US, the Transportation Security Administration does not have the same information as the US passport database. And so, all the states should have to share all the citizens’ driver license information in order to create a database for authentication purposes during domestic flights

Currently, three airlines are using this facial recognition technology to board the passengers in a limited number of flights. British Airways, JetBlue, and Delta are using this facial recognition technology in the Atlanta, Boston, and Los Angeles airports. Delta removed the use of boarding passes on an Atlanta to Paris flight, JetBlue uses the same technology on its Boston to Aruba flights, and lastly, British Airways is testing the technology on some of their flights. Lufthansa, Qantas, and Korean Air are to use the same technology later on this year.

San Jose International Airport’s deputy director of innovation and business development, Rebecca Baer has a unique idea to deploy the biometrics for the domestic flights a bit sooner. Her way of thinking will not need the TSA to join and collaborate with each other for the massive verification database. Just like a precheck, travelers can themselves give a photo ID to the system for verification with the passport. Voluntary submission will make the system run smoother.

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Masum Shibli

Business Development Analyst, M2SYS Technology

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