How to Work From Home Effectively During COVID-19 Pandemic

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As a result of the current COVID-19 outbreak, millions of people around the world are working from home. Many companies are still searching to find ways for effective remote work to occur. Finding the most effective remote workstyle is important for businesses as the situation may extend for many months, or even longer. It is a great opportunity to learn and adapt a remote workforce for sustaining businesses in this unexpected scenario. Below are some tips on how your team can work from home effectively and how their work can be more meaningful:


Follow a standard daily routine

Wake up in the morning at a specific time each day. Don’t push yourself, just follow the usual routine and complete tasks at the usual time. You should also put some exercise breaks into your routine, as it will keep your body healthy.  Dress for work – wearing pajamas may sound flexible, but it gives a relaxed impression and may slow down your work progress. Maintaining a dress code will help you to be serious at the job and finish the work from home effectively.

Maintain daily communication with the team

No matter where you work, keeping in contact with colleagues is necessary to maintain the workflow. Arrange a short and descriptive meeting with the team every day each morning. Holding a meeting each morning helps employees to understand their daily tasks, expectations and responsibilities.



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Attend online coffee break meetings and share ideas to keep a light environment in the team as it will help to prevent the feeling of isolation and loneliness. Send text messages as well as sending an email for urgent work, to prevent any miscommunication in the team.

Put distractions away to work from home effectively

Distractions delay your tasks in working hours, so take necessary actions to avoid them. To do your work from home effectively, keep the office door closed. Do not communicate with family or friends when you are concentrating on your job. Keep yourself off all social media, as it can take hours out of your work schedule. 

Try and keep your work and resting places separated so that you are not tempted to take a rest during the work day. If you can cross these barriers, then you can work from home effectively in a pandemic situation like the COVID-19.

Use remote employee monitoring software 

Remote employee monitoring software is an affordable tool to analyze employee work efficiency and job engagement level. With this software, you can see your productive and idle hours and plan for a more effective work schedule. This is a great tool for both the company and the employees for reducing wasted work hours. 

Utilize an employee engagement app

The CircleCare employee engagement app will help you to achieve your health goals. Admins on this app can also share health-related content to help you stay in good shape. This is a great tool that businesses can use for increasing the productivity of the employees and keeping them motivated while working remotely.

If you want to make sure that your employees are passionate and committed to work from home effectively, utilize CloudDesk remote employee monitoring software. Hit the Contact Us button and let our team collaborate with you in the process.

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