Why M2SYS eGov is Perfect for Building Custom Government Identity Management Solutions

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Government digitization has been around for quite some time, and those involved in these projects know how complicated they can get. Biometric government projects, however, are in a league of their own. For identity-based government projects, specialized biometric hardware and software solutions are fundamental, all of which must work together seamlessly with the core solution. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. Making all the hardware and software work together as expected requires a vast amount of experience, research, coding, time, and more. Fortunately, M2SYS has ample experience, and with its platform eGov, building custom identity management solutions is not only possible but easy.  Moreover, M2SYS eGov applications work perfectly with popular biometric solutions, hardware, or software, and can be integrated with third-party systems to create the perfect ID management solution.

That said, let’s take a closer look at why exactly M2SYS eGov is perfect for creating identity management solutions for government biometric projects.

M2SYS eGov – An Overview

We’ve been talking about M2SYS eGov, but what exactly is it?

M2SYS has a vast amount of experience of two decades with biometric projects. Capitalizing on that, M2SYS has created a powerful yet flexible no-code platform called eGov. With eGov, users can create any kind of identity management application, add custom workflows, connect with third-party systems, and use it with any popular biometric solution. Thanks to the no-code platform, users can rapidly develop and deploy identity management solutions without needing to worry about biometric solutions—reducing development time drastically.

While it might already be clear that M2SYS eGov is good at creating ID management solutions, let’s explore further to understand why the platform is ideal for government biometric projects.

Reasons Why M2SYS eGov is Perfect for Custom Identity Management Solutions

The Solutions Are Entirely Customizable

Want a custom Prison Management System, a Pension Management System, Birth Registration System, or a Child Immunization System? M2SYS eGov can not only create these solutions but can also entirely customize them to meet specific needs. For example, an agency wants the solution to verify a subject’s identity at specific points, something that standardized solutions don’t provide. With the eGov platform, making these changes is extremely easy and doesn’t even require a single line of code! M2SYS eGov believes that the solution should fit the user’s workflow, not the other way around.

Not only does the eGov platform have predefined customizable solutions, but users can also create their own identity management applications from scratch—all without writing any code!

The Solutions Can be Connected with Third-Party Systems

A solution on its own is not of much use, especially in this era where everything is connected. M2SYS eGov understands that and has made its solutions versatile enough—they can all connect with third-party applications to share data seamlessly. For instance, when a Prison Management System is used, the information can be pulled from the agency’s database, and after modifying it, can be pushed back to it.

The eGov Platform Makes Identity Management Solutions Easier

As previously mentioned, one of the strongest points of M2SYS eGov is that it works with any popular biometric solution, making it the ideal platform for creating ID management applications for government projects. System integrators don’t even have to do any extra development—the eGovernance solutions work with biometric hardware and software out of the box! As a result, compared to conventional government ID management solutions, M2SYS eGov helps rapidly develop and deploy solutions for government projects.

Contact us now to learn more about M2SYS eGov and how it is perfect for your next government biometric project.

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