Never Miss Government Project Deadline With M2SYS eGov

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Project delays are a serious issue. “Sourcing developers” can be a potential reason.

Why do so many governments miss their project deadlines? Is this practice quite common? Government undertakes a large number of projects, and missing a project deadline can impact both government planning and everyday living for citizens. It is said the government is all-encompassing as it touches the lives of human beings from the cradle to the grave.

Challenges of Government Project Development 

The government project lifecycle includes various steps. Nowadays, most government projects are geared toward digitalization. Digitizing the project often requires experts from different technical backgrounds and rapid use of computer technology. Other than that, the project designs are often incompatible with the current environment, and integrating the new system with the existing system can be a real challenge. Projects do not meet the government requirement because those projects do not maintain the systems quality assurance.

 M2SYS eGov Solution is the Answer

 While government agencies are worried about the project’s deadline, M2SYS can help government agencies deliver the project well ahead of time and without breaking the bank. Several technical complications, codes, and vendors are nothing to worry about anymore. M2SYS eGov is a highly customizable solution that can be used for different government projects. eGov solution can be integrated with any biometric device without any extra burden. Just plug and play, and the software is connected to the biometric device and can be used immediately. 

eGov solution enables any government agency to create fully customizable apps without knowing how to code. Simply use the drag and drop editor to build a fully customizable government solution without hiring any developer. eGov solution will take care of the rest—any modifications will be instantly available on both the mobile and web versions of the app! Thus, the government can save much time, ultimately allowing the agencies to meet the project’s deadline.

Government projects frequently need to interface with numerous existing systems, and developers may find it difficult to integrate biometric identity systems. The development of biometric technology is a challenging task. Important citizen biometric information is required for government projects like birth registration, border management, and voter card registration. Utilizing a biometric identity system is relatively simple with the M2SYS eGov solution. Any biometric device can be integrated with the matching system of the eGov solution. Simply plug it in, and the device will instantly link with the eGov system and be prepared to gather biometric information.

M2SYS aims to reduce government project development time by 95% and minimize development costs. eGov solution can be integrated with any third-party solution, unlocking many new opportunities for government agencies. Don’t miss the deadline for your government project. M2SYS eGov can help you. If you have a government project that you want to deliver on time or you would like to learn more about the M2SYS eGov solution, contact us today. We are here to help. 

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