5 Reasons to Invest in Employee Time Tracking App for Kronos

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Have you ever thought about using an employee time tracking app? Perhaps you’ve been searching for a mobile app that you can keep in your pocket or simply can be kept on the reception desk that doesn’t eat up extra space and doesn’t incur any extra cost. The good news is if you are a Kronos user, you can do so easily using RightPunch, an employee time tracking app for Kronos. If you are still not sure about this cutting-edge technology with its great options, here is why you should invest in such technology for employee time tracking. 

5 Reasons to Invest in Employee Time Tracking App for Kronos

Keeps Accurate Time Tracking 

RightPunch is an employee time tracking application that uses biometric technology to identify employees. Biometric is the cutting-edge technology that is nearly impossible to forge or manipulate. So, you can be assured that from this robust application you will get the accurate results of your employees’ timestamps.  

Convenient To Use 

RightPunch is the most cutting-edge biometric employee time tracking application and takes only a few seconds to check in and check out. You can keep the app in ready mode and let your employees punch in. They can use fingerprint or face recognition or both for check-in and check-out. Just think, you can do all of these things with only a mobile device or a tablet/PC. 

Cost Savings 

Employers are losing billions of dollars due to time theft and buddy punching. According to some research, buddy punching and time theft cost on average 3% of a company’s payroll. With RightPunch, you can easily eliminate this problem from your office. Since the technology uses biometric technology for identification, there will be 0% chance to manipulate the system. As a result, you can save your extra 3% with RightPunch. Moreover, RightPunch is the most affordable solution for Kronos Workforce Management Software; you can find other biometric time clocks in the market, but you can hardly get any time clock that integrates seamlessly with Kronos and RightPunch offers the most affordable price for you. Only RightPunch offers both. Isn’t it cost saving in both cases? 

Increase Productivity 

RightPunch uses biometric technology for employee identification. Biometrics are the unique human physiological attributes that cannot be copied and remain the same throughout the lifetime. So, with the power of biometric technology, RightPunch eliminates buddy punching from your office and increases the productivity of your employees. According to the research, through a combination of increased productivity and eliminating buddy punching (the practice of one employee clocking in or out for another employee), a company realized $15,000 in savings per year through a $5,000 investment in biometric employee time and attendance technology. RightPunch employee time tracking application for Kronos eliminates unnecessary time spent clocking in/out and reconciling paper timesheets, enabling a more fair and equitable allocation of resources to other initiatives, helping to boost employee productivity.

Reduces Payroll Errors

Biometric technology helps accurately track employee time and attendance that prevents time theft issues such as early arrivals, early departures, and unauthorized overtime. As a result, when attendance data is transferred into payroll processing software, the staff has access to the most accurate and up-to-date data, which reduces payroll errors.

Real-Life Example 

 US Vision, Inc. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Refac Optical Group, was looking to adopt a biometric solution to interface with their Kronos timekeeping software. They wanted to allow their employees to clock in and out through biometric authentication in order to optimize labor tracking performance. With multiple servers in more than 700 locations, US Vision wanted to accurately track employee attendance from a central location. Using RightPunch, they solved this problem easily. Powered by the M2SYS Hybrid Biometric Platform, RightPunchTM offers support for fingerprint, finger vein, palm vein, and iris biometrics, ensuring that 100% of employees are reliably and consistently identified. Download the full case study to learn how RightPunch helped U.S. Vision. 

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Fredric Hoffman

Fredric Hoffman is a digital marketing analyst at M2SYS Technology and a tech enthusiast, he loves analyzing, researching and writing on technology. He believes that adaptation of cutting-edge technology can transform this world into a new shape and make it live worthy for all.
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Fredric Hoffman

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