Topics for May’s #biometricchat on Biometric Technology with Maxine Most (@cmaxmost)

When: May 23, 2013 11:00 am EST, 8:00 am PST, 16:00 pm BST, 17:00 pm (CEST), 23:00 pm (SGT), 0:00 (JST)
Where: (hashtag #biometricchat)
What: Tweet chat on biometrics industry
Topics: Public education on biometric technology, vendor mistakes when bringing products to market, recent Merger & Acquisition activity, additional markets for biometrics, private vs. public sector revenue growth, global hot spots for continued biometrics industry growth
Here are the list of questions that we will cover during our tweet chat on biometric technology May 23rd at 11 a.m. EDT (read this post on May’s #biometricchat for more details) with Maxine Most (@cmaxmost):
1. How can biometric vendors take a more active role in educating the public on misunderstandings about the technology to promote wider acceptance?
2. What are some of the mistakes you have observed from biometric vendors taking products to market that could have been avoided or may have adversely affected the success of their solutions? What advice can you offer vendors who are researching and developing new products and solutions that can help them to be successful?
3. What is your interpretation of recent biometric M&A activity and what types of trends can we expect to see in the near future?
4. Will the increased demand for biometric technology help to open the door for its use in additional verticals? If so, what markets do you feel can benefit the most from the technology?
5. I remember some time ago you were predicting that the private sector and public sector would generate about the same amount of revenue by 2014. Is that prediction still on target and what private sector markets to you see getting the most traction?
6. What area of the world do you feel holds the most potential for continued growth of biometric deployments and why?
The biometric technology chat will take place on May the 23rd at 11 am EDT, 8:00 am PST, 16:00 pm BST, 17:00 pm (CEST), 23:00 pm (SGT), 0:00 (JST). Please join us and follow the discussion using This site will automatically fill in the chat hashtag at the end of all your tweets, no need to type #biometricchat for each tweet you send.
Don’t worry if you can’t make the chat on May the 23rd. We will be archiving the discussion and posting it here shortly afterwards. If you have any additional questions you would like to ask Maxine, please send an email to: marketing
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on May’s #biometricchat!