List of Questions for February’s #biometricchat on Biometrics & Economic Development

Here are the list of questions that we will cover in today’s tweet chat on biometric technology (follow hashtag #biometricchat) with guests Alan Gelb (@AlanHGelb) and Julia Clark (@juliamgclark) from the Center for Global Development (@CGDev):
- What was the motivation for writing the paper and how long did it take to conclude your research?
- Can you discuss the importance and value of donor foundations, their use of biometrics for example in the vaccination of children in third world and other developing nations?
- Some say that the use of biometrics for ID in third world countries is the equivalent of technological imperialism. Do you think this statement has any merit?
- What do you think about the fact that undeveloped countries are now using biometrics to “leapfrog” past traditional paper identification systems altogether. Are there any benefits or pitfalls you can see with countries advancing in this way?
- If you could emphasize only one takeaway from your working paper about the use of biometrics to bridge the identity gap, what would it be?
- What would you say was the most egregious failure of biometrics for ID in the 160 case studies you reviewed? What was the reason for the failure?
- Are more governments requiring biometric field performance statistics (vs. lab) for evaluation before investment? Does India’s release of field stats raise the bar higher for biometric vendors?
Here is a link to alan and Julia’s working paper for review: The chat begins today at 11 am EDT, 8:00 am PST, 16:00 pm BST, 17:00 pm (CEST), 23:00 pm (SGT), 0:00 (JST). We suggest that you participate and follow the discussion using This site will automatically fill in the chat hashtag at the end of all your tweets, no need to type #biometricchat for each tweet you send.
Don’t worry if you can’t make the chat today. We will be archiving the discussion and posting it here on this blog later in the week. If you have any additional questions you would like to ask Alan or Julia, please send an email to: marketing
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on today’s chat!