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Why & How Workplace Wellness Works: Creating a Healthy and Productive Place to Work

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Workplace wellness has become a popular topic in recent years. For good reason – workplace wellness programs have been shown to improve employee health, reduce healthcare costs, and increase productivity. But what is workplace wellness? And why is it so important? In this article, we will explore these questions and provide tips on how you can create a healthy and productive work environment for your employees.

What Is Workplace Wellness?

Workplace wellness is the combination of policies and programs that help employees maintain a healthy lifestyle, improve their overall health, and achieve better work-life balance. The goal of workplace wellness programs is to create an environment where employees feel supported in making choices that benefit both themselves and others by fostering positive physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being.

Promoting workplace wellness is important because it can improve employee productivity and reduce healthcare costs. In fact, a recent study by the Jooble Employee Support Department found that companies with effective workplace wellness programs saved an average of $659 per employee in medical costs. That’s a significant saving!

One company that has implemented a successful workplace wellness program is Walmart. In 2008 , Walmart launched its “Live Well” program, which encourages employees to make healthier choices both at work and at home. The program includes health education classes, on-site health screenings, and healthy food options in the company cafeteria. Walmart has seen great success with its “Live Well” program, with employee participation rates reaching as high as 90%.

Another company that has seen great success with its workplace wellness program is Google. In 2009, Google launched its “Googler Wellness” program, which offers employees a variety of health and wellness activities, including on-site yoga classes and massages. The company has also partnered with Virgin Pulse to offer employees access to a health dashboard that tracks their physical activity, sleep, and nutrition. As a result of these initiatives, Google has seen a decrease in employee sick days and an increase in productivity.

Why is Workplace Wellness Important?

Workplace wellness programs have been shown to improve employee health, reduce healthcare costs, and increase productivity. However, there are many other reasons why you should consider implementing a workplace wellness program at your company:

  • Employee Health and Happiness – One of the most important benefits of workplace wellness is that it helps employees stay healthy and happy. 
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs – By encouraging employees to make healthier choices, workplace wellness programs can help reduce healthcare costs for both employees and employers. 
  • Increased Productivity and Engagement – Workplace wellness programs can help improve productivity by reducing stress levels and improving job satisfaction. 
  • Improved Safety – One of the most important benefits of workplace wellness is that it helps employees stay healthy and happy. 
  • Better Retention and Recruitment – Workplace wellness programs can help improve retention by encouraging employees to stay healthy and happy at work.
  • Boosted Morale – Workplace wellness programs can help boost morale by encouraging employees to stay healthy and happy at work. 

How to Create a Workplace Wellness Program

Now that you understand the importance of workplace wellness, it’s time to learn how to create a program for your company. Here are some tips:

01. Start Small – Don’t try to do everything at once!

The best way to start a workplace wellness program is by starting small. Don’t try to do everything at once – instead, focus on one or two health and wellness initiatives that you think will be the most successful.

02. Choose Activities That Fit Your Company’s Culture – Not all companies are the same, so it’s important to choose activities that fit your company’s culture.

If your company is very active and outdoorsy, for example, then you might want to focus on exercise and physical activity.

03. Make It Fun – Workplace wellness programs are more likely to be successful if they’re fun!

Make sure you choose activities that your employees will enjoy participating in, so they’ll want to sign up for them again next time around.

04. Set Goals – Setting goals is a great way to keep employees motivated and engaged in the workplace wellness program.

Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help you track progress and ensure that your employees stay on track.

05. Get Employee Input – The best way to make sure your workplace wellness program is successful is by getting employee input.

You can do this by sending out a survey or holding focus groups to find out what activities employees would like to see included in the program, as well as how often they’d be willing to participate and which days/times work best for them.

06. Get Management Buy-In – It’s important to get management buy-in if you want your workplace wellness program to be successful.

Management should be on board with the idea of promoting employee health and wellness, and they should provide support for the program by allocating resources (i.e., funding, space, time) and promoting it to employees.

07. Promote & Remind – Once you’ve created your program, make sure to promote it and remind employees about upcoming events.

This will help ensure that employees are aware of the program, which is an important step in getting them involved. You can promote your events using posters, email blasts, newsletters, and other communication channels

08. Don’t Give Up! Workplace wellness programs take time to develop and implement, so don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results.

Keep promoting the program and reminding employees about upcoming events, and eventually, you’ll see a change in their health and wellness.

Workplace wellness programs can have a positive impact on employee health and happiness, as well as the overall productivity of your organization.

So if you want to increase morale and retention, boost productivity levels, and improve your company’s bottom line – then it’s time to start implementing workplace wellness initiatives at work!

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