Malawi’s Biometric Identification System is close to being fully deployed with huge cost savings

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According to government officials, the unregistered population typically consists of individuals who have recently turned 16 but have not yet signed up.

According to the visitors, the system, in conjunction with a national KYC database and expanding mobile internet coverage, is releasing significant savings and hastening the Digital Malawi initiative, which aims to connect every person and company to the government. Even laws and regulations are catching up.

Significant cost reduction may be realized by connecting many systems to the National Registration and Identification System.

Due to the country’s determination, it has surpassed the goal of an adult coverage rate of 90 percent by the year 2020 and is now working toward the more difficult goal of reaching the remaining 10 percent. A population of 10.9 million people who were eligible to register has almost reached the threshold of 10.3 million.

The program, which was funded by the United Nations Development Program as well as other organizations, encouraged young people to travel out into the community with 2,000 biometric enrollment kits in order to register the populace. Training for data cleansing, ID card creation, and other issues continued throughout the day.

The next step in the process is to register those under the age of 16 and babies. According to Sambo, an indigenous computerized system is now being used in hospitals to record births, provide a lifetime ID number, and enable the creation of birth certificates locally.

A significant amount of money is being saved thanks to the digital ID system and the national KYC database. Just the Affordable Inputs Programme brought in savings of US$8 million in the first year of linkage. These savings were for agricultural subsidies. According to Sambo, more cost reductions may be achieved by linking payroll and pension systems, requiring photo identification of voters, and providing electronic licenses.

According to Thelma Saiwa, a Reserve Bank of Malawi employee, digital ID is both an investment in increasing efficiency and a tool for increasing the number of people who have access to financial services.

The percentage of people who participated in formal financial activities increased from 19 percent in 2013 to 46 percent in 2018, falling short of the current aim of 55 percent participation. According to Saiwa, the goal is to reach 75% by the year 2026.

Colleen Zamba, Secretary to the President and Cabinet of Malawi, has said that the country is in the process of drafting data privacy and protection laws. The previous ICT policy was allowed to expire in 2013, and MPs are currently working to finalize a bill draft.

According to Zamba, identity is a crucial part of Malawi’s long-term development strategy. He also believes that an inclusive legislative approach and investment are necessary for the success of Digital Malawi. The secretary to the president said that the connection of subsidies and social protection to ID would allow for better planning and assist the nation in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations.

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Matthew Bennett

The author leads the digital marketing team at M2SYS Technology and an occasional blogger. He is passionate about writing various government and enterprise biometric identity management technology adoption related topics and the changes it brings on the general people’s lives.

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