What Is CloudDesk and How Does It Work?

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Worldwide, organizations are finding new ways of working, more so after the start of the pandemic. And to stay ahead of the competition, you should do the same. If you are managing a remote team, you know how difficult it is to know how efficiently your remote workforce is working, or whether they are working at all. Your employees may feel like you are micromanaging them if you constantly request updates and they are not likely to respond well to this tactic.

Software like CloudDesk can help you get a better understanding of how your team members perform during working hours. This article is a good start to familiarize you with the software that forms the core of remote work environments.

Here’s how the software can redefine the way you implement new ways of working:

Total Time Worked: CloudDesk is able to track data in real time from your employees’ work laptop. Once an employee starts to work the software tracks all their activity and continues to track until employees click pause or stop. The best part of CloudDesk is it doesn’t track what happens during breaks, allowing employees to use their device without worrying about their privacy, but you can see break lengths and frequency. Employees can take multiple breaks and return to work on their own flexible schedule. With real time data you can instantly check which employee is working and who is on break.
Tracking your employees’ time gives you a clear idea about what your employee did throughout the day. The software provides a summary of the time spent on each project, client, and task. See how much time employees spend working at the computer vs. away and how long their breaks last. The record of total working hours helps to avoid confusion about the work hours and eliminates time theft by remote employees. Now it’s easier than ever to track time accurately and improve productivity for remote employees.

Tracks Employee Productivity: CloudDesk screen monitoring tracking system gives you a unique perspective of your employees’ productivity, daily activities, and timesheets. It provides productivity metrics through visual data to help you understand the level of productivity of each employee which the software assesses on the basis of employee work activity.

Screenshots: You can enable the screenshot option and set the frequency of screenshots per hour for each individual employees. The majority of companies find this feature an excellent source as a proof of work and recommend it as a necessary feature for specific work environments. The record of the screenshot helps the managers to confirm their team members are working and they can check what they are working on without micromanagement. Each screenshot shows the task that is being performed. Managers can view them online through the CloudDesk web dashboard.

Web and App Tracking: CloudDesk records the name of whatever applications or websites employees use. The software then collects all of this information of the app/web usage and reports exactly how much time was spent on each individual application or website. This information is useful not only for company accountability purposes but is also tremendously helpful for team members to be able to review their own habits to see where they can improve their workflow or eliminate distractions. Detailed daily, weekly, monthly, and user-defined date range reports are available in the dashboard.

Face ID Verification: Conducts random face ID verification to confirm the presence of the right employee through face recognition. This is a unique feature provided by the CloudDesk that eliminates the possibilities of buddy punching.



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Location Tracking: Geolocation feature lets you track the real-time location of any employee. So, there is no chance that your employees can manipulate location information.

Activity Summary: The activity summary report will give you a better understanding of whether people are actively working or just have productive apps open and how much time they are idle. You do need to be careful when judging whether what you see is a problem or not, though. The software does the error free calculation for you. It measures the productivity level of each employee based on the work activities it tracks and lets the user know how much productive employees were while they were working.


Time is money, so it’s important for companies to have a team of productive employees for their growth. Knowing how employees manage their time during work plays a vital role in determining their productivity level. Knowing the productivity level is easier than ever with CloudDesk’s tracking and activity reports. Improve efficiency throughout your company with our productivity tracking software and see progress in your business. Even if your team is distributed all over the world, CloudDesk can still help you monitor all your employees.

CloudDesk is a multi-functioning time tracking software, which is why whether your company needs project management, employee monitoring, better communication apps, or time-shared work functionality, CloudDesk can help to streamline procedures making your company more efficient and profitable. Start your FREE TRIAL today.

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